Including cancer and dread disease is a scourge for many people after heart disease. How not been a lot of lives off due to a disease that can affect anyone of this.
Based on research results, there are several factors that may increase the risk of cancer in the body, including:
Based on research results, there are several factors that may increase the risk of cancer in the body, including:
Genetic Factors
Genetic factors also called hereditary factors also cause the highest risk for cancer. Someone who has a history (heredity) cancer have a greater risk of disease, rather than someone who does not have a history. The type of cancer that is often revealed in the genetic factors of breast cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.
Lifestyle Factors
Lifestyle also contribute to the onset of cancer. Lifestyle is like smoking, consuming foods that contain lots of fat, cured meats, drinkers of alcoholic beverages and sexual behavior that is having sex early age and frequently changing sexual partners.
Chemical Factors
Substances contained in cigarette smoke can cause various types of cancer in smokers and passive smokers (non smokers who do not accidentally inhaling cigarette smoke of others) in a long time. Chemicals for industrial and smoke containing carbon compounds can increase the likelihood of an industrial worker suffering from cancer. Substances or chemicals contained in certain foods can cause cancers such as old food stored and mildew can be contaminated by aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is a substance produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus that can increase the risk of liver cancer.
Environmental Factors
Environment can also be one factor that can increase the risk of cancer. For example, excessive ultraviolet rays from sunlight, ionizing radiation, radioactive rays, or X-rays can cause skin cancer and leukemia.
Viral Factors
Some types of viruses closely related to the change of normal cells into cancer cells. This type of virus called a virus that causes cancer or oncogenic viruses. Viruses that can and suspected of causing cancer, among others: (1) Hepatitis B causes liver cancer. (2) Papilloma Virus causes cervical cancer in women. (3) cytomegalovirus causes Kaposi's sarcoma. (4) Retro Viruses cause lymphoma and blood cancers. (5) Epstein-Bar virus causes Burkitt's lymphoma, cancer of the nose and throat.
Hormonal Balance Factor
Hormones are substances produced by glands of the body whose function is to regulate the activities of organs of a particular membrane. In some studies note that the administration of certain hormones in excess can lead to increased incidence of some cancers. For example functional estrogen stimulates growth of cells that tend to encourage the occurrence of cancer, while progesterone protects the occurrence of excessive cell growth. There is a tendency that the excess hormones estrogen and progesterone deficiency leading to increased risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer and cancer of the prostate and testicles in men.
Immune Factors
In the body of a healthy immune system is able to recognize foreign cells and destroy them. But if the immune system in the body has problems, it will affect the introduction of foreign cells, so that tumor cells will grow and grow freely.
Factor of Infection
Cancer can also occur due to infection by parasites or bacteria. Among them, Clonorchis which can cause bile duct cancer and pancreatic cancer. Schistosoma parasites that can cause bladder cancer. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that causes stomach cancer.
Emotional Factors
The emotional factor here is meant to stress. Stress can cause severe disruption to the company balance in body cells. Continuous state of tension which can affect the cells, which make cells in the body becomes hyperactive and turns nature into malignant cancer causing
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