Wednesday, January 18, 2012

3 Kinds of Anti-Cancer Herbs

Health is one of the most valuable asset in our lives. With a healthy body, many things we can do and we get in our lives. Therefore, our health should always keep the best possible.

One type of disease that is feared by the very high mortality is cancer. More common cancers arise due to the pattern of human life itself, especially unhealthy eating patterns, such as the consumption of excess fat and junk foods.

Therefore, one of the best ways to prevent cancer is to improve our diet and nutrition. According to research by experts, a lot of food we can consume as anti-cancer properties. Anti-cancer herbs are very useful for preventing and treating cancer. On this occasion I will mention three kinds of them.

3 Kinds of anti-cancer herbs are lotus, comfrey, and bitter.

Lotus (Nelumbo Nelumbium Druce)

Lotus is useful as a cancer preventative medicine and nasopharynx, is a native plant from Asia commonly grown and cultivated in the waters and ponds, sometimes found growing wild in the swamps. section which is used as a drug that is a rhizome, leaves and stalks, flowers and stamens, seeds and receptacle, as well as seeds sprout.

Chemical content contained on the lotus is: Flower: Quercetin, luteolin, isoquercitrin, kaempferol. reseptacle: Protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin B1, B2, C and low in nelumbine. Seeds: Rich in starch, also contain raffinose, protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Skin containing lotus seeds nuciferine, oxoushinsunine, N-norarmepavine. Lotus seed bud: Liensinine, isoliensinine, neferine, nuciferine, pronuciferine, lotusine, methylcorypalline, demethylcoclaurine, galuteolin, hyperin, rutin. Rhizome: Starch, protein, asparagine, vitamin C.

Roots: tannic substances and asparagine. Leaves: Roemerine, nuciferine, nornuciferine, armepavine, pronuciferine, N-nornuciferine, DN-methylcoclaurine, anonaine, liriodenine, quercetin, isoquercitrin, nelumboside, citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, gluconic acid, oxalic acid, succinic acid, tannic substances . Basic lotus leaf: Roemerine, nuciferine and nornuciferine. Petiole: Roemerine, nornuciferine, resins and tannic substances. Oxoushinsunine found on the skin of lotus seeds suppress the development of efficacious cancer of the nose and throat, while the lotus seeds and stalks efficacious anti-hypertensive.

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L. Em,)

Comfrey efficacious to prevent and treat breast cancer. This plant is known in Europe and Western Asia. Comfrey grows in wet grass or the edge of the ditch, and now have started used to be planted in pots or in gardens as a medicinal plant. The part that is often used for medicinal roots and leaves.

Chemical Ingredients: Leaves contain symphytine, echimidine, anadoline, al-kaloid pyrrolizidine (PAS), tannins, essential oils, allantoin, and vitamins (B 1, B2, C and E). Pyrrolizidine alkaloids are known to cause liver damage, called hepatic veno-occlusive disease (HVOD). While the roots contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids with a larger number of leaves.

Bitter (Andrographis paniculata Ness.)

Bitter effectively cure many types of cancer such as trophoblast, hydatidiform moles, trophoblastic tumors, and lung tumors. Sambiloto normally grows wild in the open, like in the garden, the river, rather lernbap vacant land, or in the yard, which is located in the lowlands to an altitude of 700 m above sea level. ordinary bitter plants are harvested when it starts flowering. After being washed, cut into pieces as needed and then dried.

Chemical Ingredients: Leaves and stems contain laktone consisting of deoksiandrografolid, andrografolid (bitter substances), neoandrografolid, and homoandrografolid. There is also a flavonoid, alkane, ketone, aldehyde, minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium), grit acid, and resin. Flavotioid most isolated from the roots, namely polimetoksiflavon, andrografin, pan.ikulin, mono-0-metilwithin, and apigenin-7, 4 - dimetileter. Andrografolid active substance proved efficacious as hepatoprotektor (protects liver cells from toxic substances).

READ MORE - 3 Kinds of Anti-Cancer Herbs

Monday, January 16, 2012

Alternative Treatment for Cancer ?

A little understanding of cancer and the hope of healing that are too high tend to be the cause of cancer survivors, especially his family become the target marketing of alternative therapies. The rise of advertising on alternative treatments for cancer by various methods is often the cause of delay in cancer patients get the treatment that should be given immediately.

Cancer is a disease gene (intracellular information carrier) who has a disorder that causes the cells in a person's body to grow rapidly and uncontrolled. Process from the beginning of the fallacy of genes (genetic alternaration) until found medically it lasts a long time because the body has mechanisms to prevent occurrence of cancer in early stages of the process. Only in certain circumstances a person's body fails to stop him and formed cancer cells that evolved into a collection of dense tissue called tumors (solid tumors) in certain organs such as lung cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, etc.. But it is necessary to understand the process of malignancy or cancer also occurs in the network is not dense (non-solid tumors) such as blood such as leukemia and thalassemia.

The process is not the same cancer causing handling and choice of anti-cancer drugs to be used is also not always the same. Just keep in mind the standard treatment for solid cancers (solid tumors) consists of surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapies and some also use immunotherapy. Choice of treatment depends on cell type, stage of disease and the general state of the patient at the time of diagnosis carried out. Treatment provided outside the standard referred to as alternative medicine.

Variations in the treatment of various alternatives that include herbs, acupuncture and even in some countries such as prayer spiritual approach to the alternative treatment options. This type of alternative treatment to watch is similar actions surgery (removing the cancer with massage techniques or move the tumor to another medium) that are difficult to understand by reason. Prudential also need to use materials that can be said to eliminate cancer cells in the form of drugs, such as: herbs, powders, capsules, pills or liquids because only a small fraction ever scientifically tested benefits and side effects can be caused. Almost all alternative drugs that proved just as a companion treatment and does not work as a cancer cell killer. If you carefully read the brochure will be written as a supplement and it works for all types of cancer. This means that alternative medicine is only useful when accompanied by a standard treatment options (different remedy each type of cancer). Choice of the most in Indonesia actually use materials that do not or have not been processed like red fruit, noni, mangosteen rind, leaves of soursop fruit, and others. Alternative treatment options without the use of standard treatment as the main option only cause delay and deterioration.

Current alternative treatment rapidly adopted in many parts of the world. More than 50% of the cost of treatment in the U.S. and Europe spent on alternative medicine. The difference is they usually combine standard and alternative treatment with the treating doctor's knowledge. Cooperation and the doctor-patient communication that will either give kindness to patients and prevention of unnecessary expenses, as the prices for alternative treatment is expensive. Doctors usually will not allow a form of alternative treatment drugs for companion, especially if patients are given chemotherapy to avoid serious side effects of chemotherapy and cause the process is not optimal.

READ MORE - Alternative Treatment for Cancer ?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lifestyle and Risk of Cancer

Lifestyle that includes eating nutritious foods and regular physical active proved to be an easy and inexpensive way to prevent cancer. Keeping and maintaining a healthy weight throughout life and can be obtained by taking into account the intake of calories from a balanced source (carbohydrates, protein and fat) and physical activity to prevent excessive weight gain. 

Why is that?

Overweight or obese appears to increase risk for the occurrence of some cancers, like breast cancer (especially in women who have gone through menopause), colon cancer, uterine cancer, cancer of the esophagus (esophageal) and kidney cancer. While obesity is also likely to increase the risk of some cancers, such as cervical cancer, gallbladder cancer, lymphoma, ovarian cancer (ovarian), pancreatic cancer, thyroid cancer (thyroid) and prostate cancer.

While physical activity can reduce the risk of some cancers such as breast cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer. Active lifestyle can be done with fitness exercise at least 30 minutes a day in addition to daily work activities, for 5 days a week, for example by choosing to use the stairs rather than using the escalator or elevator, try walking or cycling whenever possible, doing body work on during lunch with friends or family, a time to do if the body (stretching or brisk walking) interrupted working time, dancing with a partner or friend, go for a walk as recreation rather than just sitting around, join with a group of specific sports, watch TV while riding a stationary bike or treadmill, or playing with children at home.

While the style of eating healthy nutritious food can be done with the selection of drinks with the big-serving dish that can still maintain a healthy weight (low calorie foods and low in fat), by eating a variety of vegetables at least 5 servings of fruit a day, prefer food that is derived from whole grains (whole grain) compared with the already processed, and limiting red meat and processed meat which has been or may choose fish, poultry or beans, and avoid the kind of cooking with fry or burn with charcoal.

READ MORE - Lifestyle and Risk of Cancer

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Examination and Treatment of Cancer

Cancer is recognized as the most feared diseases because until recently was considered malignant disease and many casualties. However, with advances in technology now, cancer can be cured. The important thing is quick to detect early signs of cancer and perform appropriate treatment.

For those of you who have suspicions or feel the symptoms of cancer, you can perform tests such as:
  • Examination of cytology and anatomical pathology
  • Tests signs of cancer in the blood
  • Chest Mammography (x-rays for breast)
  • Ultrasonography / USG (photographing the inner organs)
  • Endoscopy (observation of the inner organs)
  • Colposcopy (observation of the cervix)
  • Laparoscopy (observation of the abdominal cavity)
  • Shooting the layers of the body by means of CT scans, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
As for the treatment of cancer consists of one or a combination of the following procedures:
  • Surgery (operation)
  • Radiation (radio-therapy)
  • Use of drugs killing cancer cells (sitostatica / chemotherapy)
  • Improved immune system (immunotherapy)
  • Treatment with hormones
  • Organ transplants
  • Stem Cell
Things we need to consider is the outcome of treatment depends on the stage or level of the pathway to cancer. Then it is highly recommended when you feel symptoms similar to symptoms of cancer for examination as soon as possible so that treatment can be done immediately.
READ MORE - Examination and Treatment of Cancer

Friday, January 13, 2012

9 Factors That May Increase The Risk Of Cancer

Including cancer and dread disease is a scourge for many people after heart disease. How not been a lot of lives off due to a disease that can affect anyone of this.

Based on research results, there are several factors that may increase the risk of cancer in the body, including: 

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors also called hereditary factors also cause the highest risk for cancer. Someone who has a history (heredity) cancer have a greater risk of disease, rather than someone who does not have a history. The type of cancer that is often revealed in the genetic factors of breast cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer and colon cancer.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle also contribute to the onset of cancer. Lifestyle is like smoking, consuming foods that contain lots of fat, cured meats, drinkers of alcoholic beverages and sexual behavior that is having sex early age and frequently changing sexual partners.

Chemical Factors

Substances contained in cigarette smoke can cause various types of cancer in smokers and passive smokers (non smokers who do not accidentally inhaling cigarette smoke of others) in a long time. Chemicals for industrial and smoke containing carbon compounds can increase the likelihood of an industrial worker suffering from cancer. Substances or chemicals contained in certain foods can cause cancers such as old food stored and mildew can be contaminated by aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is a substance produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus that can increase the risk of liver cancer.

Environmental Factors

Environment can also be one factor that can increase the risk of cancer. For example, excessive ultraviolet rays from sunlight, ionizing radiation, radioactive rays, or X-rays can cause skin cancer and leukemia.

Viral Factors

Some types of viruses closely related to the change of normal cells into cancer cells. This type of virus called a virus that causes cancer or oncogenic viruses. Viruses that can and suspected of causing cancer, among others: (1) Hepatitis B causes liver cancer. (2) Papilloma Virus causes cervical cancer in women. (3) cytomegalovirus causes Kaposi's sarcoma. (4) Retro Viruses cause lymphoma and blood cancers. (5) Epstein-Bar virus causes Burkitt's lymphoma, cancer of the nose and throat.

Hormonal Balance Factor

Hormones are substances produced by glands of the body whose function is to regulate the activities of organs of a particular membrane. In some studies note that the administration of certain hormones in excess can lead to increased incidence of some cancers. For example functional estrogen stimulates growth of cells that tend to encourage the occurrence of cancer, while progesterone protects the occurrence of excessive cell growth. There is a tendency that the excess hormones estrogen and progesterone deficiency leading to increased risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer and cancer of the prostate and testicles in men.

Immune Factors

In the body of a healthy immune system is able to recognize foreign cells and destroy them. But if the immune system in the body has problems, it will affect the introduction of foreign cells, so that tumor cells will grow and grow freely.

Factor of Infection

Cancer can also occur due to infection by parasites or bacteria. Among them, Clonorchis which can cause bile duct cancer and pancreatic cancer. Schistosoma parasites that can cause bladder cancer. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that causes stomach cancer.

Emotional Factors

The emotional factor here is meant to stress. Stress can cause severe disruption to the company balance in body cells. Continuous state of tension which can affect the cells, which make cells in the body becomes hyperactive and turns nature into malignant cancer causing
READ MORE - 9 Factors That May Increase The Risk Of Cancer

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Basic Steps to Prevent Cancer

One third of all cancer cases in the United States, China and the UK each year could be prevented if only people would do the basic steps of cancer prevention. 

Most types of cancer can be prevented by healthy habits at a young age and avoid the factors that cause cancer. Cancer prevention should not be anything complicated, some simple decisions in your daily life effectively enough to fend off the onslaught of cancer. But the point is to keep us on the path of a healthy lifestyle. 

The American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund stated that cancer deaths could be prevented if we keep the weight remains ideal, healthy and varied diet, physical activity and smoking cessation.

World Health Organization (WHO) declared lack of exercise are risk factors for breast cancer and colon cancer, diabetes causes 27 % and 30 % of the causes of heart disease worldwide. WHO also recommends exercising at least 150 minutes per week, equivalent to walking or biking 30 minutes every day. 

Although the exact cause of cancer is not known, everyone can take steps to prevent a healthy lifestyle and avoid the causes of cancer: 
  1. Regarding the food: reduce the excessive fatty foods, more eating fibrous foods, more eating colorful vegetables and fruits several times a day, more food fresh, reduce foods that have been preserved or stored too long, and limit alcoholic beverages.
  2. Avoid yourself from sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Avoid the habit of smoking. For smokers: quitting smoking.
  4. Strive balanced life and avoid stress.
  5. Consult health periodically and regularly.
  6. Exercise regularly.
READ MORE - Basic Steps to Prevent Cancer

Is it Cancer ?

Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of tissue cells that turn into cancer cells. During its development, cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can cause death.

Cancer is often known by the public as a tumor, but not all tumors are cancerous. The tumor is any abnormal lumps or abnormal. Tumors were divided into 2 groups, namely benign and malignant tumors. Cancer is a general term for all types of malignant tumors.

Cancer can happen to everyone, in every part of the body, and in all age groups, but more often among people aged 40 years. Generally, before the cancer spread or damage the surrounding tissue, the patient does not feel any symptoms or complaints. If you have any complaints or symptoms, the disease is usually advanced.

Many types of cancer. To date have found as many as 250 types of cancer that attacks various organs of the body. Each type of cancer have different characteristics, but have in common, namely: (1) They are composed of abnormal cells that reproduce uncontrollably for like cells, and (2) they spread, attacking healthy body tissues.

Each type of cancer have different symptoms. However, in general there are 7 symptoms that need attention and further examined by a doctor to ensure the presence or absence of cancer, are:
  1. When large or small bowel habits change or disruption.
  2. Impaired digestion and difficulty swallowing.
  3. Hoarseness or a cough that does not heal
  4. Breast or elsewhere there is a lump (tumor).
  5. Moles that changes its nature, is becoming increasingly large and itchy.
  6. Abnormal blood or mucus out of the body.
  7. Presence of ulceration or ulcer that would not heal.

READ MORE - Is it Cancer ?